Week 32 - APC - Changes in practice
Activity 8: Changes in my practice
The Mind Lab course has made a huge impact on me as a education professional. It is so important to be an ongoing learner if you’re going to be a teacher. A am a lot more reflective as a teacher now and also more aware of what I’m doing and why I’m doing it.
“...reflective practice is viewed as a means by which practitioners can develop a greater level of self-awareness about the nature and impact of their performance, an awareness that creates opportunities for professional growth and development.” (Osterman and Kottkamp, 1993, p 2).
Short video which sums up my view of the value of teacher reflection.
(Retrieved from youtube https://youtu.be/0glFJMYv1JY on 28 - 06 - 16)
Key Change One
Criteria 4: Demonstrate commitment to ongoing professional learning and development of professional personal practice.
I’ve established and formed so many new networks, connections and relationships with like minded educators, near and far. I now really value taking the time to read people’s blogs and flick through the google+ news feed. Twitter has been the biggest breakthrough for me with regards to connecting to the wider educational community. My commitment to online professional learning and development of professional practice has never been so strong before during my teaching career. The Mind Lab course has resparked my love and passion for lifelong learning as an educator, and I now see the importance of being connected to online professional learning communities in this day and age.
Key Change Two
Criteria 7: Promote a collaborative, inclusive, and supportive learning environment that embraces e-learning and engages learners.
I feel I am more confident and knowledgeable about guiding students online so that they are safe, and able to communicate appropriately, and show respect towards others whilst working online. Digital citizenship isn’t an isolated topic that gets taught once - developing digital citizens requires ongoing lessons, intertwined within all subjects that utilize online learning tools. I am more confident in leading students as they engage in learning conversations with each other online. Being on The Mind Lab course has lead me to solidify and affirm what I already doing to promote collaborative learning environment. The students blogs are starting too look awesome as they add their digital learning objects. The more the students blog, and use tools such as google docs, google slides, and other digital tools, their engagement and motivation for learning grows. I see how they love sharing ideas and their work with others. They learn off each other and teach one another.
My future professional develop involves…...relaxing and playing! I want to re-visit and play around with all the cool things we learnt about over the last 32 weeks and get the students to play with them too. Makey-makey, coding, flipped classroom, design thinking, and augmented reality are areas I want to re-visit and apply. I want to keep developing student agency, and we have already started delving into this as we prepare our students for Genius Hour. Most of all, I just want keep learning, sharing, reflecting on my practice, and try to always have a growth mindset.
Osterman, K. & Kottkamp, R.(1993). Reflective Practice for Educators.California.Cornwin Press, Inc. Retrieved on 7th May, 2015 fromhttp://www.itslifejimbutnotasweknowit.org.uk/files/RefPract/Osterman_Kottkamp_extract.pdf
Ministry of Education (nd). Practising teacher Criteria and e-learning . Retrieved from http://elearning.tki.org.nz/Professional-learning/Registered-Teacher-Criteria-and-e-learning